This group is set up to help fans with tickets and transport and watching matching together. We also organise monthly meetings for members to catch up and enjoy a social evening as well as attend committee meetings.
Watching matches: We try to organise venues for members, who are unable to attend matches, to watch televised matches together. We have also set up Zoom meetings for people to watch matches together.
Tickets: We have 2 dedicated ‘friends and families’ accounts which we use to buy tickets for our members. Advantages – members who are unable to log in at sales time can ask for us to get them a ticket, and we can get tickets together. Disadvantage – if for some reason we can’t get in no one gets a ticket.
Transport: We organise transport for every match. This can be coaches, minibuses (17 or 9 seaters), or cars. We also organise train times so members can travel together and buy group tickets.