LUSN - 2 years on

Jacqui Greethurst • September 8, 2023

Another Successful Year For LUSN

LUSN has now completed its second year and we are pleased to say it is getting stronger. We have added another 12 groups to our membership over the year and have many more showing interest.

Meeting with the Minister of Sport, Stuart Andrew.

Following our original submissions to the consultation on the Fan Engagement White Paper Clive (Vice Chair, LUSN) was invited to a one-hour, one-to-one meeting, with the Minister of Sport to further develop these ideas and to look at how a more bottom-up approach could be introduced. The Minister also viewed LUSN as representatives of the country's independent football groups acknowledging that these groups had been largely ignored previously in the process and by the Football establishment.


Working with LUFC

We have built on our positive relationship with Leeds United. We have good relationships with Katie Holmes (Head of Ticketing) and Angus Kinnear (CEO) - even though we don’t always agree with each other. We are pleased that we are not only recognised by them as important partners but have become a ‘go to’ group for consultation on issues. We have had regular meetings where we have been able to put forward the views and ideas from our members as well as rigorous discussions about LUFC plans. We have seen many of these put into practice. The understanding between LUFC and LUSN has improved significantly this season - although not always perfect.


Representations to LUFC

The main areas in which we have had extensive discussions with LUFC have been about their plans for the future redevelopment and improvement of the stadium.


The concern about a high number of empty seats on match days and ways to address this.


We are not members of SAB and this was explained by Steve (Chair, LUSN)) in a previous article on our website. We have been able to challenge Leeds thinking on issues that affect our membership from an independent perspective.


Media Presence

We have given our views and again have become a ‘go to’ group for many areas of the press. We have a policy of not going to the media with concerns or complaints until we have fully exhausted the channels at LUFC as we feel this has a negative effect on our relationships.

Clive (Vice Chair, LUSN) was interviewed by Katherine Hannah for half an hour on BBC Radio Leeds about the unnecessary increase in Season Ticket Prices. The Club were invited to debate this with him but would not put up a representative.

Clive (Vice Chair, LUSN) had a long meeting with Stuart Rayner, the Chief Football writer of the Yorkshire Post generally about Leeds United and in particular supporters’ involvement in the running of football clubs. An article was subsequently published about their discussions.


We have also appeared in articles in the Daily Mail, Leeds Live (Beren Cross), YEP (Graham Smyth) and in several articles/programmes with Adam Pope at BBC Radio Leeds.


Other Connections

We have been involved at various levels in other projects and research to ensure our opinions and suggestions are evidenced based where appropriate.


LUSN has been asked to give evidence to a multi-university research programme into online hate.


Other supporters’ groups

We have met with Spurs Trust about tickets, and the operation of the V12 financing system; Brentford Trust about the Golden Share and their fan advisory board; Newcastle about general matters; Glasgow Rangers about the role of the SLO. We have also used our connections to gather a more informal fans’ viewpoint of their club’s organisation and policies.



We have continued to have good relations with Ken Scott, Chief Inspector of the SGSA.




We have had frequent meetings with Katie Holmes (Head of Ticketing). We have a greater understanding of the difficulties of keeping tens of thousands of supporters happy and trying to ensure a system that is fair. As a democratic group we have been able to gather questions and views and put them to Katie and report back to everyone on the outcome of these meetings.


Away ticket prices 

We are pleased that one of our key issues of expensive away tickets has resulted in LUFC actively seeking reciprocal agreements with other EFL clubs to keep the prices down. This is difficult for them as away clubs can usually sell out their away allocation whatever they charge Leeds fans.


LUFC Members Forwarding Tickets

Another of our issues was members being able to forward their tickets to other members if for some reason they are unable to attend a match, after purchasing a ticket. This is particularly important to our groups who travel as it means the ticket and transport place can go to someone else rather than be wasted. We were very pleased that Leeds have introduced this for this season.


Group Support

Overseas groups  

A number of our groups were able to enjoy excellent weekends in Leeds as a result of the allocation of 30 tickets which we asked for last season. Hospitality has helped with this as well. We have helped overseas groups liaise with the ticket office and have also helped them with other issues - including recruiting members to their groups. 


Regular Meetings

We have continued to have regular members (as well as committee) meetings this season and have an interesting range of speakers - even though the meetings are in the evenings - London time. These meetings cover issues that concern groups and also are sharing sessions for good practice which have helped many groups. We are pleased to have welcomed Angus for a (largely) light hearted question and answer session, Beren Cross gave us an insight on being a journalist at Elland Road and Tony Dorigo attended our AGM and gave us a reassurance and information as well as entertaining us with amusing anecdotes of his playing days.


Information sharing

The supportive nature of the Network has helped member groups improve their travel to away games, sorted out Elland Rd parking permits and informed of road delays on match days. It has also shared information to help people navigate the auto-renewal system for members and other online/IT based concerns.


LUDO support

We recognised 30 years of LUDO by presenting a signed shirt at Elland Rd and putting an article in the programme. A few of our group members were able to support the LUDO dinner dance, where a good time was had by all. 

Issues addressed this year

We always make it clear that we do not want to run our football club but we do want fans to be listened to. We feel that although we have achieved much during 2022/2023  there are some important issues that have not been addressed by LUFC and LUSN together. We will continue to work with LUFC to increase understanding of these issues in a bid to resolving them.

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